Rose Anna (Rose Alma) CHENIER

Father*Noël (Noë) CHENIER b. 24 December 1853, d. 10 October 1920
Mother*Eléonore DROUIN (DEROUIN) b. 7 June 1859, d. 14 October 1936
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
Niece of Isidore CHENIER
1st cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Rose Anna (Rose Alma) CHENIER, was born on 22 September 1887 in Wendover, ON, Canada,1 and was baptized on 9 October 1887 in St-Benoit-Labre, Wendover, ON, Canada. Godparents: Joseph Aumais & Albina Chénier.2 She married Ernest LALONDE, son of Jean Baptiste LALONDE and Joséphine MAISONNEUVE, on 10 November 1916 in Rockland, ON, Canada.3 She died on 29 April 1955 in Newton Falls, NY, USA, at the age of 67.1


Ernest LALONDE b. 14 February 1890, d. 27 December 1979


  1. [S74] Letter & Genealogy Records From Marcel Chénier (4326).
  2. [S1120] Website -, online, Ontario, Canada, Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1747-1967
    Wendover (1885-1908) Image 22/226 Bap. 34.
  3. [S18] Dictionnaire Généalogique, Entry 4066.

Eléonore Alexina CHENIER

Father*Noël (Noë) CHENIER b. 24 December 1853, d. 10 October 1920
Mother*Eléonore DROUIN (DEROUIN) b. 7 June 1859, d. 14 October 1936
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
Niece of Isidore CHENIER
1st cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Eléonore Alexina CHENIER, was born on 24 April 1896 in Wendover, ON, Canada,1,2 and was baptized on 3 May 1896 in St-Benoit-Labre, Wendover, ON, Canada. Godparents: John Chénier, the child's brother & Alexina Lamarche.1,2 She married Charles Auguste ROSSI, son of Erménégilde ROSSI and Thérèse BORDOUZOTTI, on 13 October 1928 in Montréal, QC, Canada.3 She died on 23 October 1978 in Montréal, QC, at the age of 823 and was buried in October 1978 at the St-Benoît-Labre Cemetery in Wendover, ON.


Charles Auguste ROSSI b. 13 October 1894, d. 1 January 1952


  1. [S807] Registres Numérisés.
  2. [S73] BMD Wendover, ON, MFM 1109.
  3. [S74] Letter & Genealogy Records From Marcel Chénier (4326).

Marie Elisa Eléonore CHENIER

Father*Noël (Noë) CHENIER b. 24 December 1853, d. 10 October 1920
Mother*Eléonore DROUIN (DEROUIN) b. 7 June 1859, d. 14 October 1936
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
Niece of Isidore CHENIER
1st cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Marie Elisa Eléonore CHENIER, was born on 18 October 1894 in Wendover, ON, Canada,1,2 and was baptized on 21 October 1894 in St-Benoit-Labre, Wendover, ON, Canada. Godparents: François Chénier uncle of the child & Elisabeth Denis.1 She married Wilfrid J. LALONDE, son of Jean Baptiste LALONDE and Joséphine MAISONNEUVE, on 8 May 1920 in Ste-Trinité, Rockland, ON, Canada.3,4 She died on 5 March 1977 in Watertown, NY, USA, at the age of 82.5


Wilfrid J. LALONDE b. 11 July 1892, d. 7 August 1967


  1. [S807] Registres Numérisés.
  2. [S18] Dictionnaire Généalogique, Entry 1205 & Marcel Chénier (4326) records 19 Aug 97.
  3. [S892] Electronic Database - BMS2000:, Version 9.
  4. [S18] Dictionnaire Généalogique, Entry 1205.
  5. [S74] Letter & Genealogy Records From Marcel Chénier (4326).

Victoria Rose Anna Marie CHENIER

Father*Noël (Noë) CHENIER b. 24 December 1853, d. 10 October 1920
Mother*Eléonore DROUIN (DEROUIN) b. 7 June 1859, d. 14 October 1936
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
Niece of Isidore CHENIER
1st cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Victoria Rose Anna Marie CHENIER, was born on 6 June 1890 in Wendover, ON, Canada,1,2,3 and was baptized on 8 June 1890 in St-Benoit-Labre, Wendover, ON, Canada. Godparents: Urgèle Chénier & Louise Blondin.1 She married Théophile VAILLANT, son of Théophile VAILLANT and Exilda BOURGON, on 18 October 1909 in Wendover, ON.2 She died on 2 January 1954 in Wendover, ON, at the age of 63.4


Théophile VAILLANT b. circa 1885, d. circa 1978


  1. [S1120] Website -, online, Ontario, Canada, Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1747-1967
    Wendover (1885-1908) Image 47/226, Bap. 22.
  2. [S18] Dictionnaire Généalogique, Entry 4355.
  3. [S968] BMD of St-Benoît-Labre, Wendover, ON, Rép: ON-024.
  4. [S75] E-Mail from Marcel Noël Joseph Chénier, 6 Dec 1995.

Alexis Elzéar CHENIER

Father*Alexis CHENIER b. 1 November 1846, d. 3 January 1929
Mother*Rosalie GODMAIRE b. 1854, d. 22 May 1934
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
Nephew of Isidore CHENIER
1st cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Alexis Elzéar CHENIER, was born on 9 March 1874 in Clarence Creek, ON, Canada,1,2 and was baptized on 15 March 1874 in Ste-Félicité, Clarence Creek, ON, Canada. Godparents: Pierre Godemaire & Angélique Lalande.1 He married Marie (Rosalie) LALONDE, daughter of Jean Baptiste LALONDE and Marcelline RICHER, on 27 August 1894 in Clarence Creek, ON.3 He died on 18 January 1958 in Curran, ON, Canada, at the age of 834 and was buried on 21 January 1958 in Curran, ON.5 Alexis was a farmer.


Marie (Rosalie) LALONDE b. 1874, d. 23 April 1945


  1. [S1045] BMD Clarence Creek, ON, MFM 1091 to 1093.
  2. [S1009] LDS Ontario Civil Births, 1874 MFM Ref: 016849.
  3. [S18] Dictionnaire Généalogique, Entry 1240.
  4. [S77] Tombstone Data, Curran Cemetery, Curran, ON.
  5. [S47] BMD Curran, Ont., MFM 1084.


Father*Arthur CHENIER b. 17 July 1886, d. 15 February 1957
Mother*Démérise LAVIOLETTE b. 1892, d. 27 March 1958
Relationships4th cousin of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin of Pierre CHENIER
1st cousin 3 times removed of Isidore CHENIER
3rd cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Léonie CHENIER, was born on 17 October 1919 in Alfred, ON, Canada,1 and was baptized on 19 October 1919 in St-Victor, Alfred, ON, Canada. Godparents: Victor Guindon & Délina Laviolette.1 She died on 23 January 1923 in Alfred, ON, at the age of 31 and was buried on 24 January 1923 in Alfred, ON.1


  1. [S76] BMD of St.Victore, Alfred, ON, Rép: ON-049.

Clarida (Clérida) CHENIER

Father*Alexis CHENIER b. 1 November 1846, d. 3 January 1929
Mother*Rosalie GODMAIRE b. 1854, d. 22 May 1934
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
Niece of Isidore CHENIER
1st cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Clarida (Clérida) CHENIER, was born on 1 March 1879 in Clarence Creek, ON, Canada,1,2 and was baptized on 8 March 1879 in Ste-Félicité, Clarence Creek, ON, Canada. Godparents: Julien Lalande & Zoé Robillard.1 Her baptismal name as written in the parish register was Marie Clarida CHENE.3 She married Raphaël Patrick LALONDE, son of François Xavier LALONDE and Rose Anna DUCLOS, on 20 June 1899 in St-Luc, Curran, ON, Canada.4 Her married name as written in the parish register was Clarida CHENIER.5 She died on 14 February 1970 in Curran, ON, Canada, at the age of 906,7 and was buried on 17 February 1970 at the St-Luc Cemetery in Curran, ON.6,8


Raphaël Patrick LALONDE b. 21 March 1876, d. 31 July 1969


  1. [S1045] BMD Clarence Creek, ON, MFM 1091 to 1093.
  2. [S1009] LDS Ontario Civil Births, 1879 MFM Ref: 025971.
  3. [S1098] Website -, online, Ontario, Roman Catholic Church Records, 1760-1923 Prescott and Russell Clarence Creek Ste Felicite BMS 1872-1879, Vol. 2 Image 232/257, Bap 35, P. 397.
  4. [S18] Dictionnaire Généalogique, Entry 0849.
  5. [S1098] Website -, online, Ontario, Roman Catholic Church Records, 1760-1923 Prescott and Russell Curran St Luc BMS 1888-1901, Vol. 13 Image 191/227, Mar 4, P. 315.
  6. [S309] Ottawa Journal Obituary, 16 Feb 1970, P. 23.
  7. [S77] Tombstone Data, Curran Cemetery, Curran, ON.
  8. [S47] BMD Curran, Ont., MFM 1084.


Father*Alexis CHENIER b. 1 November 1846, d. 3 January 1929
Mother*Rosalie GODMAIRE b. 1854, d. 22 May 1934
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
Niece of Isidore CHENIER
1st cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Clara CHENIER, was born on 27 October 1880 in Clarence Creek, ON, Canada,1,2 and was baptized on 28 October 1880 in Ste-Félicité, Clarence Creek, ON, Canada. Godparents: Candide Chénier & Philomène Séguin.1 She died on 7 April 1949 in Brockville, ON, Canada, at the age of 683 and was buried on 9 April 1949 at the St-Luc Cemetery in Curran, ON, Canada.4


  1. [S1045] BMD Clarence Creek, ON, MFM 1091 to 1093.
  2. [S1009] LDS Ontario Civil Births, 1880 MFM Ref: 028746.
  3. [S77] Tombstone Data, Curran Cemetery, Curran, ON., (Visited 1 Oct 1994).
  4. [S47] BMD Curran, Ont., MFM 1084.


Father*Delphis (Adolphe) CHENIER b. 14 April 1852, d. 8 October 1898
Mother*Mathilde LABROSSE b. 1859
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
Nephew of Isidore CHENIER
1st cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Alphée CHENIER, was born on 13 January 1884 in Clarence Creek, ON, Canada,1,2 and was baptized on 14 January 1884 in Ste-Félicité, Clarence Creek, ON, Canada. Godparents: Gédéon Labrosse & Emma Basinet.1 His baptismal name as written in the parish register was Alphée CHENE.3 His married name as written in the parish register was Alphée CHENIER.4 He married Adèle SARRAZIN, daughter of Maxime SARRAZIN and Adèle PILON, on 5 July 1909 in Ste-Trinité, Rockland, ON, Canada.2 He died on 30 December 1958 in Rockland, ON, Canada, at the age of 745,6 and was buried on 2 January 1959 at the St.Trinity Cemetery in Rockland, ON.5,7 His name at the time of death was written as Alphée CHENIER.


Adèle SARRAZIN b. 1887, d. 2 June 1962


  1. [S1045] BMD Clarence Creek, ON, MFM 1091 to 1093.
  2. [S18] Dictionnaire Généalogique, Entry 0228.
  3. [S1098] Website -, online, Ontario, Roman Catholic Church Records, 1760-1923 Prescott and Russell Clarence Creek Ste Felicite BMS (1880-1888) Image 112/257, Bap 5, P. 168.
  4. [S1098] Website -, online, Ontario, Roman Catholic Church Records, 1760-1923 Prescott and Russell Rockland Ste Trinite BMS (1901-1909) Image 335/354, Mar 8, P. 601.
  5. [S309] Ottawa Journal Obituary, 30 Dec 1958, P. 20.
  6. [S66] BMD of Rockland, ON.
  7. [S393] Tombstone Data, Ste-Trinité Cemetery, Rockland, ON.


Father*Delphis (Adolphe) CHENIER b. 14 April 1852, d. 8 October 1898
Mother*Mathilde LABROSSE b. 1859
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
Nephew of Isidore CHENIER
1st cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Léon Noël CHENIER, was born on 25 December 1885 in Clarence Creek, ON, Canada,1,2 and was baptized on 25 December 1885 in Sacré-Coeur, Bourget, ON, Canada. Godparents: Léon Labrosse & Angelique Lalande.1 He married Elize HAMON, daughter of Henri HAMON and Marcelline COUVRETTE, on 10 May 1915 in Ste-Trinité, Rockland, ON, Canada.3 He died on 22 May 1967 in Wendover, ON, Canada, at the age of 814,5 and was buried on 25 May 1967 at the St.Trinity Cemetery in Rockland, ON, Canada.4,6


Elize HAMON b. 8 July 1892, d. 17 April 1939


  1. [S1098] Website -, online, Ontario, Roman Catholic Church Records, 1760-1923 Prescott and Russell Bourget Sacre-Coeur Baptisms, marriages, burials 1885-1899 Image 13/248, Bap 33, P. 13.
  2. [S1009] LDS Ontario Civil Births, 1885 MFM Ref: 030386.
  3. [S18] Dictionnaire Généalogique, Entry 3404.
  4. [S309] Ottawa Journal Obituary, 23 May 1967, P. 40.
  5. [S66] BMD of Rockland, ON.
  6. [S393] Tombstone Data, Ste-Trinité Cemetery, Rockland, ON.


     Lorina QUENNEVILLE married Joseph CROFT.1


Joseph CROFT


  1. [S892] Electronic Database - BMS2000:, Version 9.

Marie Anne Delphine CHENIER

Father*Delphis (Adolphe) CHENIER b. 14 April 1852, d. 8 October 1898
Mother*Mathilde LABROSSE b. 1859
Relationships1st cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
Niece of Isidore CHENIER
1st cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
3rd cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Marie Anne Delphine CHENIER, was born on 4 May 1882 in Clarence Creek, ON, Canada,1,2 and was baptized on 5 May 1882 in Ste-Félicité, Clarence Creek, ON, Canada. Godparents: Moise Avigne & Vitaline Labrosse.1 She married Rosario DESROSIERS, son of Onésime DESROSIERS and Marie LONGTIN, on 15 January 1900 in Bourget, ON, Canada.2 She died on 6 April 1936 in ON, Canada, at the age of 533 and was buried in April 1936 in Embrun, ON, Canada.4


Rosario DESROSIERS b. 1878, d. 1958


  1. [S1045] BMD Clarence Creek, ON, MFM 1091 to 1093.
  2. [S18] Dictionnaire Généalogique, Entry 1035.
  3. [S1120] Website -, online, Ruth Dickinson Library.
  4. [S1225] Tombstone Data, Embrun Cemetery, Embrun, ON.

Marie JOLY

Father*Louis JOLY b. circa 1770
Mother*Marie DESJARDINS b. circa 1772
Relationships3rd great-grandmother of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
2nd great-grandmother of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Marie JOLY, was born circa 1795. She married François CARRE, son of François CARRE and Louise MARTIN, on 9 October 1815 in St-Benoit, QC, Canada.


François CARRE b. circa 1792

François CARRE

Father*François CARRE b. circa 1765
Mother*Louise MARTIN b. circa 1767
Relationships3rd great-grandfather of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 4 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
2nd great-grandfather of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 5 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     François CARRE, was born circa 1792. He married Marie JOLY, daughter of Louis JOLY and Marie DESJARDINS, on 9 October 1815 in St-Benoit, QC, Canada.


Marie JOLY b. circa 1795


Father*Jean DESJARDINS b. circa 1737
Mother*Marie Josette VERMETTE b. circa 1740
Relationships4th great-grandmother of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Isidore CHENIER
3rd great-grandmother of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Marie DESJARDINS, was born circa 1772.1 She married Louis JOLY, son of Jean Baptiste JOLY and Angélique VALLIERE, on 9 May 1791 in St-Eustache, QC, Canada.1


Louis JOLY b. circa 1770


  1. [S2] Répertoire des Mariages Canadiens Français (Drouin-Bleu).

Louis JOLY

Father*Jean Baptiste JOLY b. circa 1740
Mother*Angélique VALLIERE b. circa 1745
Relationships4th great-grandfather of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
4th cousin 2 times removed of Isidore CHENIER
3rd great-grandfather of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Louis JOLY, was born circa 1770.1 He married Marie DESJARDINS, daughter of Jean DESJARDINS and Marie Josette VERMETTE, on 9 May 1791 in St-Eustache, QC, Canada.1


Marie DESJARDINS b. circa 1772


  1. [S2] Répertoire des Mariages Canadiens Français (Drouin-Bleu).


Father*François MARTIN b. circa 1730
Mother*Marie Josephte LECUYER b. circa 1744
Relationships4th great-grandmother of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
4th cousin 2 times removed of Isidore CHENIER
3rd great-grandmother of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Louise MARTIN, was born circa 1767.1 She married François CARRE, son of René François CARRE and Marguerite BIGRAS, on 24 November 1789 in St-Martin, QC, Canada.1


François CARRE b. circa 1765


  1. [S2] Répertoire des Mariages Canadiens Français (Drouin-Bleu).

François CARRE

Father*René François CARRE b. 21 November 1743
Mother*Marguerite BIGRAS b. 1745
Relationships4th great-grandfather of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
4th cousin 5 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 2 times removed of Isidore CHENIER
3rd great-grandfather of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
4th cousin 6 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     François CARRE, was born circa 1765.1 He married Louise MARTIN, daughter of François MARTIN and Marie Josephte LECUYER, on 24 November 1789 in St-Martin, QC, Canada.1


Louise MARTIN b. circa 1767


  1. [S2] Répertoire des Mariages Canadiens Français (Drouin-Bleu).


Father*Jean Baptiste DELPHEE PARIZEAU b. circa 1757
Mother*Marie Josephte BOUCHER b. circa 1760
Relationships3rd great-grandmother of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
2nd great-grandmother of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Louise PARIZEAU (PARISEAU), was born on 16 June 1799 in Laval, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 16 June 1799 in St-Martin, Laval, QC, Canada.1 She married Pierre COURSOL, son of Pierre COURSOL and Justine GRENON, on 6 October 1817 in Ste-Anne, Ste-Anne-des-Plaines, QC, Canada.2


Pierre COURSOL b. circa 1796


  1. [S1098] Website -, online, Quebec, Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Laval Saint-Martin BMS 1782-1811, Image 352/699, Bap..., P. 72. Link:
  2. [S892] Electronic Database - BMS2000:, Version 9.


Father*Pierre COURSOL b. circa 1770
Mother*Justine GRENON b. circa 1770
Relationships3rd great-grandfather of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
2nd great-grandfather of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Pierre COURSOL, was born circa 1796. He married Louise PARIZEAU (PARISEAU), daughter of Jean Baptiste DELPHEE PARIZEAU and Marie Josephte BOUCHER, on 6 October 1817 in Ste-Anne, Ste-Anne-des-Plaines, QC, Canada.1


Louise PARIZEAU (PARISEAU) b. 16 June 1799


  1. [S892] Electronic Database - BMS2000:, Version 9.

Marie Josephte BOUCHER

Father*Jean Baptiste BOUCHER b. 24 August 1729
Mother*Elizabeth LEBLANC b. 27 June 1738
Relationships4th great-grandmother of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd great-grandmother of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Marie Josephte BOUCHER, was born circa 1760.1 She married Jean Baptiste DELPHEE PARIZEAU, son of Martin DELPHEE PARISOT (PARISEAU) and Marie Louise JOLIVE dit LEPINE, on 3 April 1780 in St-Vincent-de-Paul, Laval, QC, Canada.2


Jean Baptiste DELPHEE PARIZEAU b. circa 1757


  1. [S2] Répertoire des Mariages Canadiens Français (Drouin-Bleu).
  2. [S1098] Website -, online, Quebec, Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Laval Saint-Vincent-de-Paul BMS 1780-1815, Image 12/625, Mar 11, P... Link:


Father*Martin DELPHEE PARISOT (PARISEAU) b. circa 1731
Mother*Marie Louise JOLIVE dit LEPINE b. circa 1735
Relationships4th great-grandfather of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd great-grandfather of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Jean Baptiste DELPHEE PARIZEAU, was born circa 1757.1 He married Marie Josephte BOUCHER, daughter of Jean Baptiste BOUCHER and Elizabeth LEBLANC, on 3 April 1780 in St-Vincent-de-Paul, Laval, QC, Canada.2


Marie Josephte BOUCHER b. circa 1760


  1. [S2] Répertoire des Mariages Canadiens Français (Drouin-Bleu).
  2. [S1098] Website -, online, Quebec, Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Laval Saint-Vincent-de-Paul BMS 1780-1815, Image 12/625, Mar 11, P... Link:

Justine GRENON

Father*Pierre GRENON b. circa 1750
Mother*Marie PAYET b. circa 1752
Relationships4th great-grandmother of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
4th cousin 2 times removed of Isidore CHENIER
3rd great-grandmother of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Justine GRENON, was born circa 1770.1 She married Pierre COURSOL, son of Jean Baptiste COURSOL and Marguerite Amable CHARRON dit LAROSE-CABANAC, on 28 September 1795 in Terrebonne, QC, Canada.1


Pierre COURSOL b. circa 1770


  1. [S2] Répertoire des Mariages Canadiens Français (Drouin-Bleu).


Father*Jean Baptiste COURSOL b. 24 June 1730
Mother*Marguerite Amable CHARRON dit LAROSE-CABANAC b. circa 1732
Relationships4th great-grandfather of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
3rd great-grandfather of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Pierre COURSOL, was born circa 1770 in Verchères, QC, Canada.1 He married Justine GRENON, daughter of Pierre GRENON and Marie PAYET, on 28 September 1795 in Terrebonne, QC, Canada.1


Justine GRENON b. circa 1770


  1. [S2] Répertoire des Mariages Canadiens Français (Drouin-Bleu).

Marie Archange LALONDE

Father*François LALONDE b. circa 1738
Mother*Marie Anne Geneviève CHAMAILLARD b. circa 1732
Relationships4th great-grandmother of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
Great-grandmother of Isidore CHENIER
3rd great-grandmother of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Marie Archange LALONDE, was born circa 1770.1 She married Joseph ST-DENIS, son of Jacques ST-DENIS and Marie Josephte RANGER, on 10 November 1788 in Bout-de-l'Ile, Montréal, QC, Canada.1


Joseph ST-DENIS b. 22 January 1768


  1. [S7] Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles du Québec (Jetté).


Father*Jacques ST-DENIS b. 9 October 1745
Mother*Marie Josephte RANGER b. 26 June 1752
Relationships4th great-grandfather of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
Great-grandfather of Isidore CHENIER
3rd great-grandfather of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Joseph ST-DENIS, was born on 22 January 1768 in QC, Canada.1 He married Marie Archange LALONDE, daughter of François LALONDE and Marie Anne Geneviève CHAMAILLARD, on 10 November 1788 in Bout-de-l'Ile, Montréal, QC, Canada.1


Marie Archange LALONDE b. circa 1770


  1. [S7] Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles du Québec (Jetté).


Father*Joachim QUEVILLON b. 7 October 1728
Mother*Marie Catherine PARANT b. circa 1731
Relationships4th great-grandmother of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
Great-grandmother of Isidore CHENIER
3rd great-grandmother of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Marie Anne QUEVILLON, was born on 6 February 1764 in Ste-Geneviève-de-Pierrefonds, QC, Canada,1,2 and was baptized on 7 February 1764 in Ste-Geneviève, Ste-Geneviève-de-Pierrefonds, QC, Canada.1 Her baptismal name as written in the parish register was Marie-Anne COUVILLON.1 She married Gabriel LALANDE, (widower of Marie Louise Dumay), son of Charles LALANDE and Marie Josephte LACOMBE, on 5 February 1787 in Ste-Geneviève, Montréal, QC, Canada.2


Gabriel LALANDE b. 26 February 1741


  1. [S1098] Website -, online, Quebec, Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Sainte-Geneviève, Sainte-Geneviève Index 1741-1876 BMS 1741-1786 Image 335/554, Bap ..., P. 23.
  2. [S3] Dictionnaire Tanguay.


Father*Charles LALANDE b. circa 1718
Mother*Marie Josephte LACOMBE b. 21 September 1720
Relationships4th great-grandfather of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
Great-grandfather of Isidore CHENIER
3rd great-grandfather of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
ChartsMy Personal Pedigree Chart
     Gabriel LALANDE, was born on 26 February 1741 in Ste-Geneviève, Montréal, QC, Canada.1 Gabriel, (widower of Marie Louise Dumay), married Marie Anne QUEVILLON, daughter of Joachim QUEVILLON and Marie Catherine PARANT, on 5 February 1787 in Montréal, QC.1


Marie Anne QUEVILLON b. 6 February 1764


  1. [S3] Dictionnaire Tanguay.


     Ginette BRADETTE, was born on 2 October 1943. She married Maurice Gamelin CHARLEBOIS, son of Joseph Robert (Bob) CHARLEBOIS and Jacqueline Noëlla CHENIER, on 15 August 1964 in Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Timmins, ON, Canada.1


Maurice Gamelin CHARLEBOIS b. 11 May 1940


  1. [S882] From Maurice Gamelin Charlebois.


     Roland JACQUES, was born circa 1920. He married Hortense Anne Marie CHENIER, daughter of Hermas Isidore CHENIER and Emma BENARD, in 1984 in Palais de Justice, Anjou, QC, Canada.