Louis Trefflé RAICHE

Father*Joseph Edmond RAICHE b. 2 August 1829
Mother*Marie Eloise LACERTE b. 14 August 1842, d. 28 April 1917
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Louis Trefflé RAICHE, was born on 18 March 1870 in St-Camille, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 20 March 1870 in St-Camille, St-Camille, QC, Canada.1 He married Marie MARQUIS on 16 February 1903 in Manchester, NH, USA.2 He died on 30 September 1957 in Manchester, NH, at the age of 873 and was buried on 3 October 1957 at the Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Manchester, NH.3


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Camille Wolfe 1870 Image 6/44, Bap 16, P. 4. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947 for Treffle Raiche Marriage 1901-1937 Roers, R - Rand, G Image 1304/3434. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Death Records, 1650-1969 for Treffle Raiche
    1957 Not Stated Image 10281/13550, Certificate of Death No. 57-5081 (1035). Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…


     Marie MARQUIS married Louis Trefflé RAICHE, son of Joseph Edmond RAICHE and Marie Eloise LACERTE, on 16 February 1903 in Manchester, NH, USA.1


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947 for Treffle Raiche Marriage 1901-1937 Roers, R - Rand, G Image 1304/3434. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…

Napoléon RAICHE

Father*Joseph Edmond RAICHE b. 2 August 1829
Mother*Marie Eloise LACERTE b. 14 August 1842, d. 28 April 1917
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Napoléon RAICHE, was born on 9 January 1872 in St-Camille, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 14 January 1872 in St-Camille, St-Camille, QC, Canada.1 He married Ida DESROCHERS on 8 August 1905 in Manchester, NH, USA.2 He married Donalda GUILLEMETTE on 19 January 1915 in Manchester, NH.3 He died in 19534 and was buried in 1953 at the Saint Jean de Baptiste Cemetery in Lynn, MA, USA.4


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Camille Wolfe 1872 Image 3/48, Bap 3, P. 2. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947 for Ida Desrochers Marriage 1901-1937 Roers, R - Rand, G Image 1298/3434. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/5241/images/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Marriage Records, 1700-1971 for Donalda Guillemette 1901-1937 Reed, G T R M Image 1921/3494. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…
  4. [S1234] Find A Grave , https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/151642094/…*1o4a0qe*_gcl_au*MTk5NDU1MTU4OS4xNzIxMDc5MTQ5*_ga*MTEyMTgxMjY5Ni4xNjkxNTkzNzk4*_ga_4QT8FMEX30*ZmRiNzIyMzYtNTNkMi00NTI3LTk3MzYtYTU2ZWRmZTMzNTdkLjgzMi4xLjE3MjM5Mjg3MTguMS4wLjA.*_ga_QPQNV9XG1B*ZmRiNzIyMzYtNTNkMi00NTI3LTk3MzYtYTU2ZWRmZTMzNTdkLjY0OC4xLjE3MjM5Mjg3MTguMC4wLjA. Memorial ID 151642094.


     Ida DESROCHERS, was born on 7 January 1877 in Ste-Croix, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 8 January 1877 in Ste-Croix, Ste-Croix, QC, Canada.1 She married Napoléon RAICHE, son of Joseph Edmond RAICHE and Marie Eloise LACERTE, on 8 August 1905 in Manchester, NH, USA.2 She died on 3 July 1912 in North Reading, MA, USA, at the age of 353 and was buried in July 1912 at the Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Manchester, NH.3


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ste-Croix 1877 Image 2/25, Bap 2, P. 1. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947 for Ida Desrochers Marriage 1901-1937 Roers, R - Rand, G Image 1298/3434. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/5241/images/…
  3. [S1234] Find A Grave , https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/238892561/…*w60m5h*_gcl_au*MTk5NDU1MTU4OS4xNzIxMDc5MTQ5*_ga*MTEyMTgxMjY5Ni4xNjkxNTkzNzk4*_ga_4QT8FMEX30*ZmRiNzIyMzYtNTNkMi00NTI3LTk3MzYtYTU2ZWRmZTMzNTdkLjgzMC4xLjE3MjM5MDEwNTAuNTguMC4w*_ga_QPQNV9XG1B*ZmRiNzIyMzYtNTNkMi00NTI3LTk3MzYtYTU2ZWRmZTMzNTdkLjY0Ni4xLjE3MjM5MDEwNTIuMC4wLjA. Memorial ID 238892561.


     Donalda GUILLEMETTE married Napoléon RAICHE, son of Joseph Edmond RAICHE and Marie Eloise LACERTE, on 19 January 1915 in Manchester, NH, USA.1


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Marriage Records, 1700-1971 for Donalda Guillemette 1901-1937 Reed, G T R M Image 1921/3494. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…

Marie Cornélie RAICHE

Father*Joseph Edmond RAICHE b. 2 August 1829
Mother*Marie Eloise LACERTE b. 14 August 1842, d. 28 April 1917
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Marie Cornélie RAICHE, was born on 4 July 1873 in St-Camille, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 5 July 1873 in St-Camille, St-Camille, QC, Canada.1 She died on 3 July 1882 in Manchester, NH, USA, at the age of 8.2


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Camille Wolfe 1873 Image 18/55, Bap 37, P. 18. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1277] Website - Ancestry.com - Public Members Family Tree, Arbre généalogique de Lépine by Marie-Eve Lépine: https://www.ancestry.ca/family-tree/person/tree/60602994/…

Joseph Edmond RAICHE

Father*Joseph Edmond RAICHE b. 2 August 1829
Mother*Marie Eloise LACERTE b. 14 August 1842, d. 28 April 1917
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Joseph Edmond RAICHE, was born on 17 January 1875 in St-Camille, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 23 January 1875 in St-Camille, St-Camille, QC, Canada.1


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Camille Wolfe 1875 Image 3/55, Bap 7, P. 2. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…


     Voline HOLDER married Joseph Edmond RAICHE, son of Joseph Amédée RAICHE and Marie Anne Angélina COTE, on 3 July 1975 in Reno, NV, USA.1


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Nevada, U.S., Marriage Index, 1956-2005. Book 603 Page -564000. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…

Joseph Edmond RAICHE

Father*Joseph Amédée RAICHE b. 14 August 1868, d. 4 November 1952
Mother*Marie Anne Angélina COTE b. 15 February 1883, d. 4 April 1955
Relationships6th cousin 1 time removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
6th cousin 1 time removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 2 times removed of Isidore CHENIER
6th cousin of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
6th cousin 2 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Joseph Edmond RAICHE, was born on 25 July 1917 in Manchester, NH, USA.1 He married Voline HOLDER on 3 July 1975 in Reno, NV, USA.2 He died on 22 July 2010 in Studio City, CA, USA, at the age of 923 and was buried in July 2010 at the Belmont Memorial Park in Fresno, CA, USA.3


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Birth Records, 1631-1920 for Joseph Edmond Raiche Birth Certificate 1917 5001-5450 Image 1581/3172. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Nevada, U.S., Marriage Index, 1956-2005. Book 603 Page -564000. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…
  3. [S1234] Find A Grave , https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/155914873/…*1t5fajh*_gcl_au*MTk5NDU1MTU4OS4xNzIxMDc5MTQ5*_ga*MTEyMTgxMjY5Ni4xNjkxNTkzNzk4*_ga_4QT8FMEX30*ZmRiNzIyMzYtNTNkMi00NTI3LTk3MzYtYTU2ZWRmZTMzNTdkLjgzMS4xLjE3MjM5MTUyNzAuOS4wLjA.*_ga_QPQNV9XG1B*ZmRiNzIyMzYtNTNkMi00NTI3LTk3MzYtYTU2ZWRmZTMzNTdkLjY0Ny4xLjE3MjM5MTUyNzAuMC4wLjA. Memorial ID 155914873.

Marie Lora RAICHE

Father*Joseph Edmond RAICHE b. 2 August 1829
Mother*Marie Eloise LACERTE b. 14 August 1842, d. 28 April 1917
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Marie Lora RAICHE, was born on 18 July 1877 in Sherbrooke, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 22 July 1877 in St-Michel, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada.1 She married Joseph T. LAFORCE on 5 February 1900 in Manchester, NH, USA.2 She died on 10 November 1966 in Manchester, NH, at the age of 893 and was buried on 9 December 1966 at the Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Manchester, NH.3


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Marie Lora Raiche Sherbrooke St-Michel 1877 Image 45/256, Bap 164, P. 44. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Marriage Records, 1700-1971 for Lura Raiche
    1700-1900 Liberty-Lufkin Image 3049/3471. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Death Records, 1650-1969 for Laura Laforce
    1966 Not Stated Image 12015/14318, Certificate of Death No. 66-5947 (974). Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…


     Joseph T. LAFORCE married Marie Lora RAICHE, daughter of Joseph Edmond RAICHE and Marie Eloise LACERTE, on 5 February 1900 in Manchester, NH, USA.1


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, New Hampshire, U.S., Marriage Records, 1700-1971 for Lura Raiche
    1700-1900 Liberty-Lufkin Image 3049/3471. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…


     Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE, was born on 10 February 1840 in St-Paul-de-Joliette, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 10 February 1840 in St-Paul, St-Paul-de-Joliette, QC, Canada.1 He married Alma (Emma?) LACERTE, daughter of Jean-Baptiste LACERTE and Marie Flavienne CHAINE, on 19 November 1866 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.2 His married name as written in the parish register was Bénoni CHEVALIER DIT LEPINE. He died on 14 February 1923 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 833 and was buried on 17 February 1923 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.3 His name at the time of death was written as Bénoni LEPINE.3


Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Joliette St-Paul 1840 Image 6/61, Bap 140, P. 6. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1866 Image 11/14, Mar 6, P... Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1923 Image3/16, Sép 6, P. 2. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

Marie Emma LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Marie Emma LEPINE, was born on 5 December 1867 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 8 December 1867 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 She married Arthur POIRIER, son of François Eugène POIRIER and Adéline BOULET, on 9 February 1891 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.2 She died on 30 March 1907 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 393 and was buried on 31 March 1907 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.3


Arthur POIRIER b. 14 May 1864, d. 29 August 1948


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1867 Image 12/13, Bap 58, P. 11. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1891 Image 3/17, Pages 2 & 3. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1907 Image 4/16, Sép 6, P. 3. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

Joseph Bénoni LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Joseph Bénoni LEPINE, was born on 23 January 1869 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 25 January 1869 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 He married Délina Marie Emélie GRONDIN, daughter of Louis (Jules?) GRONDIN and Nathalie GENDREAULT, on 26 March 1894 in Biddeford, ME, USA.2 He died on 5 August 1948 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 79.3


Délina Marie Emélie GRONDIN b. 23 April 1869


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1869 Image 4/15, Bap 9, P. 3. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Maine, U.S., Marriage Records, 1713-1922 for Joseph Lepine York 1894 L Image 43 & 44/70. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…
  3. [S1259] In Memorium Card, https://www.ancestry.ca/family-tree/person/tree/60602994/…

Agnès Félonise LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Agnès Félonise LEPINE, was born on 17 June 1870 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 19 June 1870 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 She married Ernest (Marier) GAREAU, son of Antoine GAREAU and Louise ROBICHAUD, on 2 July 1890 in St-Liguori, St-Liguori, QC, Canada.2 Her married name as written in the parish register was Félonise CHEVAUDIER DITE LEPINE.3


Ernest (Marier) GAREAU b. 24 May 1850, d. 28 November 1902


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1870 Image 8/16, Bap 39, P. 8. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Liguori 1890 Image 10/18, Mar 8, Pages 9 & 10. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Liguori 1890 Image 10/18, Mar 8, P. 9 & 10. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

Uldéric LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Uldéric LEPINE, was born on 30 April 1872 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 30 April 1872 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 He married Marie Louise Albertine RHEAULT, daughter of Joseph RHEAULT and Apolline GAILLARDETZ, on 29 June 1897 in St-Narcisse, St-Narcisse-de-Beaurivage, QC, Canada.2 He died on 13 September 1917 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 453 and was buried on 15 September 1917 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.3


Marie Louise Albertine RHEAULT b. 24 June 1866, d. 20 October 1936


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Joseph Uldéric Lépine St-Georges-De-Windsor 1872 Image 9/29, Bap 19, P. 8. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Narcisse-De-Beaurivage 1897 Image 5/12, Mar 2, P. 5. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Uldéric Lépine St-Georges-De-Windsor 1917 Image 15/21, Sép 20, P. 12. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…


Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Lydia LEPINE, was born on 5 February 1874 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 8 February 1874 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 She married Léonidas ROBITAILLE, son of Silas ROBITAILLE and Julie MICHEL, on 1 December 1893 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.2 She died on 28 February 1912 in Val-des-Sources (Asbestos), QC, Canada, at the age of 383 and was buried on 1 March 1912 in Val-des-Sources (Asbestos), QC, Canada.3


Léonidas ROBITAILLE b. 18 December 1866


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1874 Image 5/33, Bap 8, P. 4. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1893 Image 13/15, Mar 7, P. 12 & 13. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Lydia Lepine Asbestos St-Aimé 1912 Image 9/47, Sép 11, P. 7. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…

Narcisse Wilfrid LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Narcisse Wilfrid LEPINE, was born on 8 January 1876 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 8 January 1876 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 He died on 10 February 1937 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 612 and was buried on 12 February 1937 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.2


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1876 Image 4/19, Bap 3, P. 2. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Wilfred Lepine St-Georges-De-Windsor 1937 Image 4/18, Sép 3, P. 2. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

Marie Régina Valérie LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Marie Régina Valérie LEPINE, was born on 15 December 1877 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 16 December 1877 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 She married Joseph Aimé LUPIEN, son of Louis LUPIEN and Marie DUBUC, on 25 February 1897 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.2 She married Wilfrid TREMBLAY, son of Hermel TREMBLAY and Scholastique MEVILLE/MIVILLE, on 7 June 1919 in St-Michel, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada.3 She died on 2 May 1949 in Nicolet, QC, Canada, at the age of 71.4

Family 1

Joseph Aimé LUPIEN b. 8 August 1878, d. 27 March 1908

Family 2

Wilfrid TREMBLAY b. 14 January 1872, d. 18 August 1956


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1877 Image 15/18, Bap 68, P. 15. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1897 Image 5/25, Mar 1, P. 4. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Sherbrooke St-Michel 1919 Image 100/126, Mar 34, P. 147. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  4. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Death Registers 1926-1997. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…

Jean-Baptiste LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Jean-Baptiste LEPINE, was born on 16 December 1879 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 21 December 1879 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 His baptismal name as written in the parish register was Jean-Baptiste LEPINE.1 He died on 10 May 1882 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 22 and was buried on 11 May 1882 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.2 His name at the time of death was written as Jean-Baptiste LEPINE.2


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1879 Image 13/14, Bap 75, P. 13. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1882 Image11/22, Sép 16, P. 10. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

George Napoléon LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     George Napoléon LEPINE, was born on 14 May 1882 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 15 May 1882 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.1 He died on 21 August 1887 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 52 and was buried on 22 August 1887 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.2


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1882 Image 11/22, Bap 42, P. 10. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Napoleon Lepine St-Georges-De-Windsor 1887 Image 10/17, Sép 14, P. 10. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

Moïse Napoléon LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Moïse Napoléon LEPINE, was born on 4 March 1884 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 5 March 1884 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.1 He died on 21 August 1887 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 32 and was buried on 22 August 1887 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.2


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1884 Image 4/19 & 5/19, Bap 13, P. 4. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Napoleon Lepine tSt-Georges-De-Windsor 1887 Image 10/17, Sép 14, P. 10. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

Marie Eugénie Laurentina LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Marie Eugénie Laurentina LEPINE, was born on 19 August 1886 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 20 August 1886 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 She died on 23 January 1889 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 22 and was buried on 24 January 1889 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.2


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1886 Image 15/26, Bap 61, P. 14. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1889 Image 3/20, Sép 5, P. 3. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

Joseph Eugène Lorenzo LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Joseph Eugène Lorenzo LEPINE, was born on 19 August 1886 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 20 August 1886 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 He died on 19 June 1894 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 72 and was buried on 21 June 1894 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.2


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1886 Image 15/26, Bap 62, P. 14. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1894 Image 9/21, Sép 15, P. 8. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

Jean Oscar LEPINE

Father*Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE b. 10 February 1840, d. 14 February 1923
Mother*Alma (Emma?) LACERTE b. 19 November 1845, d. 9 June 1928
Relationships5th cousin 2 times removed of Théodore Gilbert Ronald CHENIER
5th cousin 2 times removed of Pierre CHENIER
4th cousin 1 time removed of Isidore CHENIER
5th cousin 1 time removed of André Côme Alfred CHENIER
5th cousin 3 times removed of Michael Tim MAJOVSKY
     Jean Oscar LEPINE, was born on 8 May 1888 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 10 May 1888 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 He died on 20 August 1914 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 262 and was buried on 22 August 1914 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.2


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1888 Image 7/16, Bap 28, P. 6. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1914 Image 14/26, Sép 23, P. 13. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…


Mother*Julie MICHEL
     Léonidas ROBITAILLE, was born on 18 December 1866 in Wotton, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 23 December 1866 in St-Hippolyte, Wotton, QC, Canada.1 He married Lydia LEPINE, daughter of Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE and Alma (Emma?) LACERTE, on 1 December 1893 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.2


Lydia LEPINE b. 5 February 1874, d. 28 February 1912


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Joseph Leonidas Robitaille Wotton St-Hippolyte 1866 Image 30 & 31/33, Bap 127, P. 28. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/discoveryui-content/view/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1893 Image 13/15, Mar 7, P. 12 & 13. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

Marie Louise Albertine RHEAULT

Father*Joseph RHEAULT
Mother*Apolline GAILLARDETZ
     Marie Louise Albertine RHEAULT, was born on 24 June 1866 in St-Grégoire, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 24 June 1866 in St-Grégoire-le-Grand, St-Grégoire, QC, Canada.1 She married Uldéric LEPINE, son of Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE and Alma (Emma?) LACERTE, on 29 June 1897 in St-Narcisse, St-Narcisse-de-Beaurivage, QC, Canada.2 She died on 20 October 1936 in Norwalk, CT, USA, at the age of 703 and was buried on 23 October 1936 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.3


Uldéric LEPINE b. 30 April 1872, d. 13 September 1917


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Grégoire 1866 Imnage 16 & 17/38, Bap 48, P. 16. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Narcisse-De-Beaurivage 1897 Image 5/12, Mar 2, P. 5. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Albertine Rheault St-Georges-De-Windsor 1936 Image 11/14, Sép 5, P. 9. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…

Joseph Aimé LUPIEN

Father*Louis LUPIEN
Mother*Marie DUBUC
     Joseph Aimé LUPIEN, was born on 8 August 1878 in Nicolet, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 9 August 1878 in Cathédrale St-Jean-Baptist, Nicolet, QC, Canada.1 He married Marie Régina Valérie LEPINE, daughter of Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE and Alma (Emma?) LACERTE, on 25 February 1897 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.2 He died on 27 March 1908 in Ste-Monique, QC, Canada, at the age of 293 and was buried on 30 March 1908 in Ste-Monique, QC.3


Marie Régina Valérie LEPINE b. 15 December 1877, d. 2 May 1949


  1. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Nicolet Cathédrale St-Jean-Baptiste 1878 Image 26/53, Bap 80, P. 25 & 26. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1897 Image 5/25, Mar 1, P. 4. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  3. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ste-Monique Nicolet 1908 Image 10/30, Sép 12, P. 8. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…


Father*Hermel TREMBLAY
Mother*Scholastique MEVILLE/MIVILLE
     Wilfrid TREMBLAY, was born on 14 January 1872 in Les Eboulements, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 14 January 1872 in Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption-de-la-S.V., Les Eboulements, QC, Canada.1 He married Marie Régina Valérie LEPINE, daughter of Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE and Alma (Emma?) LACERTE, on 7 June 1919 in St-Michel, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada,2 and was buried in August 1956 in Plessisville, QC, Canada.1 He died on 18 August 1956 in Québec, QC, Canada, at the age of 84.1


Marie Régina Valérie LEPINE b. 15 December 1877, d. 2 May 1949


  1. [S1319] Nos Origines, online http://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/genealogie.aspx?lng=fr, https://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/GenealogieQuebec.aspx
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Sherbrooke St-Michel 1919 Image 100/126, Mar 34, P. 147. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…


Father*François Eugène POIRIER
Mother*Adéline BOULET
     Arthur POIRIER, was born on 14 May 1864 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada,1 and was baptized on 22 May 1864 in St-Georges, St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, Canada.1 He married Marie Emma LEPINE, daughter of Bénoni CHEVAUDIER DIT LEPINE and Alma (Emma?) LACERTE, on 9 February 1891 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.2 He died on 29 August 1948 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC, at the age of 843 and was buried on 1 September 1948 in St-Georges-de-Windsor, QC.3


Marie Emma LEPINE b. 5 December 1867, d. 30 March 1907


  1. [S1098] Website - FamilySearch.org, online https://www.familysearch.org/, Canada, Quebec Catholic Parish Registers, 1621-1979 Saint-Georges-de-Windsor Saint-Georges-de-Windsor Baptêmes, mariages, sépultures 1864-1876 Image 21/176, Bap 17, P. 7. Link: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G993-HXMF
  2. [S1120] Website - Ancestry.ca, online http://search.ancestry.ca, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Georges-De-Windsor 1891 Image 3/17, Pages 2 & 3. Link: https://www.ancestry.ca/imageviewer/collections/1091/images/…
  3. [S984] Website - Le Centre de Généalogie Francophone d'Amérique (CGFA), online http://www.genealogie.org/, http://www.genealogie.org/bcentrale/arbre.asp Gedcom de Boucher, Renald (213): (06-2017) Boucher, Leroux, Morin, Dupuis, Côté, Lemay, Lebrun , Mercure .....Link: http://www.genealogie.org/bcentrale/arbre.asp